Monday, November 4, 2013

The Snow Part I - More Pictures from Chris

I have copies of Chris's photos from this leg and there are a bunch with me in them, so this isn't really it's own post but is rather just an addendum to the last one.  All of the pictures here were taken by Chris Cardenas, either in the normal fashion if he's not in them or using a little remote if we're in them together.

These next five pictures of me going through the washouts illustrate how big they were.  I'm still not sure when they happened, if it was before this years's hiking season or if it was something that just happened with the snowstorms and the resulting snow melt, but I'm guessing the latter.  There were warnings posted about them but I never thought to look for the dates they were posted, and I didn't even really think about it until now.  At any rate, it was time consuming to climb in and out of them but they were all concentrated within a mile or two so we weren't dealing with them every day, and they ended up being much less of a challenge than we'd feared they might be.

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